
The Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons (the Forum) would like to extend its sincere gratitude to all participants who joined our international seminar in Geneva, Switzerland in collaboration with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on 13-14 December 2023, entitled “Reducing threats to international...

Today marks the relaunch of our social media campaign Words Over Bullets, taking place between 24-26 January! We warmly welcome you to interact with us on Facebook and X, under the hashtags #WordsOverBullets, #MotsContreArmes, #PalabrasNoBalas and #ParliamentaryAction. We encourage you to participate in the campaign...

Khot is originally from South Sudan and had spent 15 years as a refugee in Kenya before arriving to Sweden. In Sweden, he got an opportunity to pursue a Bachelor Degree in International Relations at Malmö University. Currently, as part of the degree mentioned, Khot...

To start of the new year 2024 in the spirit of peace and sustainable development, on 24-26 January, the Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons (the Forum) will relaunch its #WordsOverBullets social media campaign! The #WordsOverBullets campaign is an opportunity to raise awareness...

The Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons (the Forum) is the only membership-based organisation gathering parliamentarians globally across party-political lines, specifically related to the prevention and reduction of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) - related violence. The uncontrolled proliferation of SALW has widespread...