
Parliamentary Action - A Vital Cornerstone for Curbing the Uncontrolled flow of Small Arms and Light Weapons in Lebanon The uncontrolled availability and misuse of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) have severe consequences across our globe. The world in 2020 is marked by an upsurge...

Då är du välkommen att söka praktik på Parlamentarikerforum för lätta vapen-frågor för höstterminen 2020 genom Föreningen för Utvecklingsfrågor FUF! Som praktikant på Forumet får du chansen att: Fördjupa dina kunskaper i freds- och konfliktfrågor, specifikt kopplat till spridningen och användningen av små och lätta...

The world today is marked by violence and conflict, which underlines the need to prioritise the prevention and reduction of armed violence. According to the Small Arms Survey, Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) are the cause of death for 210 000 people each year and...

  We want to again extend our warmest gratitude to the participants of the regional seminar in Panamá the 7th and 8th of November, “Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Parliamentary action on the 2030 Agenda – SALW control in the MENA region with a global outlook”, in cooperation with...

The Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons is proud to have more than 250 parliamentarians as members from all parts of the world. We want to extend a warm welcome to our new ones; in recent months as many as 26 new members joined...

The report is now available from the regional seminar in Amman, titled: “Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Parliamentary action on the 2030 Agenda – SALW control in the MENA region with a global outlook” that was held in the end of September. Kindly find the report here. The focus of...