Author: secretariat

Khot is originally from South Sudan and had spent 15 years as a refugee in Kenya before arriving to Sweden. In Sweden, he got an opportunity to pursue a Bachelor Degree in International Relations at Malmö University. Currently, as part of the degree mentioned, Khot...

To start of the new year 2024 in the spirit of peace and sustainable development, on 24-26 January, the Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons (the Forum) will relaunch its #WordsOverBullets social media campaign! The #WordsOverBullets campaign is an opportunity to raise awareness...

The Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons (the Forum) is the only membership-based organisation gathering parliamentarians globally across party-political lines, specifically related to the prevention and reduction of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) - related violence. The uncontrolled proliferation of SALW has widespread...

  The Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons (the Forum) is the only membership-based organisation gathering parliamentarians globally across party-political lines, specifically related to the prevention and reduction of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) - related violence. The uncontrolled proliferation of SALW has widespread...

The Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapon’s (the Forum) Newsletter regarding the year 2023 is now out! The Newsletter details the Forum’s work in the past year, key results from the Forum’s work in 2022 as well as ongoing and upcoming activities in...

Se acerca la temporada festiva, incluida la Navidad. ¿Cuál sería una mejor manera de celebrar la festividad que contribuir a un mundo más pacífico? ¡Dé un regalo pacífico a sus seres queridos y apoye los esfuerzos del Foro Parlamentario sobre Armas Pequeñas y Armas Ligeras...

La période des fêtes s’approche, par exemple Noël. Quelle serait une meilleure façon de célébrer cette fête que de contribuer à un monde plus pacifique ? Offrez un cadeau pacifique à vos proches et soutenez les efforts du Forum parlementaire sur les armes légères et...

The holiday season is approaching, including Christmas. What would be a better way to celebrate the holiday than to contribute to a more peaceful world? Give a peaceful gift to your loved ones and support the Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons’ (the...