Author: secretariat

The Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons is relaunching the campaign “Words over Bullets” this week on 3th of June- 7th of June. We want to take this opportunity to highlight the problem with Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW)-related violence around the world....

Thank you all for your vital commitment to raise awareness and taking action to prevent and reduce Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) related violence! 2019 is an important year for continued work to promote human security and sustainable development. We would like to share our...

The report from the Forum's seminar held on the 3rd of April this year in the Swedish Parliament regarding the export of military equipment in relation to the Swedish commitments to fulfilling Agenda 2030 and the Arms Trade Treaty, is now accessible. The report is in...

DATE: 3 april 2019, kl. 8.00- 9.30 LOCATION: Sveriges Riksdag, Riksgatan 2, Mittpoolen - Stockholm, Sverige CONFERENCE DETAILS Svensk krigsmaterielexport i relation till Sveriges åtaganden för uppfyllandet av Agenda 2030 och Arms Trade Treaty Med snart ett år sedan den nya lagstiftningen om krigsmaterielexport trädde i kraft i april 2018, knappt...

Forumet utlyser en praktikanttjänst till hösten via FUF:s praktikantprogram, så att du som student kan få ut så mycket som möjligt av din praktik. Genom programmet får du, förutom att praktisera hos oss, även utbildning och möjlighet att delta i nätverksträffar – allt för att...

At the Forum’s General Assembly in Brussels in November last year, the Revised Statutes of the organisation were discussed and adopted. At the following Board meeting, the Regulations of the Forum were also revised and adopted. The documents are now available here on our webpage,...

The Board of the Forum has adopted a new Strategic Plan for the upcoming 4 years. It is now available, click on the links below to read it in English, Spanish or French. During 2019-2022, the core of the Forum’s mandate is maintained. However, three...

As we are approaching the holiday season, time has come for the Forum, to close the circle for this year. We thank you all for yet another year of joint efforts to prevent Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) -related violence to achieve sustainable peace...

At the Board Meeting of the Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons, held on November 30th 2018 in Brussels, the Board adopted a new Policy Statement on uncontrolled Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), Terrorism and Organised Crime. The statement attends to the nexus...