Author: secretariat

Linus Jarhede poursuit des études en sciences politiques avec une spécialisation en études asiatiques mondiales à l'Université de Stockholm. Dans le cadre de sa formation, il a la possibilité de faire un stage au Forum parlementaire sur les armes légères et de petit calibre (PFSALW)...

Linus Jarhede está cursando una maestría en ciencias políticas con una especialización en estudios asiáticos globales en la Universidad de Estocolmo. Como parte de su educación, tiene la oportunidad de realizar una pasantía en el Foro Parlamentario sobre Armas Pequeñas y Ligeras (FPAPL) a través...

Linus Jarhede is pursuing a political science degree with a specialisation in global Asian studies at Stockholm University. As a part of his education, he has the opportunity to intern at the Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons (PFSALW) through the Swedish Development...

The Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapon’s (the Forum) Newsletter is now out! The Newsletter details the Forum’s work in the past months, as well as our ongoing projects and plans for 2022. Do you want to learn more? Please find the Newsletter...

Today marks the relaunch of our social media campaign #WordsOverBullets. We warmly welcome you to take part in the campaign by interacting with us on Facebook @PFSALW and Twitter @ParlforumSalw! Every day, over 600 men, women and children are killed in the world by armed violence...