Welcome to participate in the Forum’s webinar on October 29: Realising the 2030 Agenda in a changing world: Parliamentary action on armed violence prevention

Welcome to participate in the Forum’s webinar on October 29: Realising the 2030 Agenda in a changing world: Parliamentary action on armed violence prevention



We kindly request the pleasure of your participation at the webinar:

Thursday 29th October 2020 

14:00- 15:30 CET (GMT+1), Stockholm, Sweden

9:00- 10:30 VET (GMT-4), Caracas, Venezuela  

15:00- 16:30 CAT (GMT+2) Harare, Zimbabwe

20:00- 21:30 ICT (GMT+7), Bangkok, Thailand

With the 2030 Agenda, the importance of reducing illicit flows of arms for the achievement of sustainable peace and development is recognised in a universal framework, adopted by United Nations member states committing to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). October 2020 is the international month of SDG 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. With just 10 years left to fulfil the SDGs, the Decade of Action calls for accelerating efforts for the realisation of the Agenda.

Every day, over 600 people are killed in the world from armed violence committed with Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), and many more are injured. Moreover, SALW-related violence has severe effects on sustainable development and the persistence of armed conflicts. Parliamentarians play a vital role in relation to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, in specific SDG 16 and its target 4 “by 2030, significantly reduce illicit arms flows (…)” through their legislative, oversight and awareness raising functions. It has become evident during the current global COVID-19 pandemic, that political will and strong and resilient institutions are key in order to adequately address societal, economic and health crises.

Discussions will focus on the role of parliamentarians in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and SDG 16.4 in cooperation with other relevant stakeholders, the main challenges and opportunities in a changing world affected by COVID-19 and the ways forward to build back better for more peaceful and sustainably developed societies.

RSVP: To register for the webinar, kindly send your name & the organisation/institution you represent to: secretariat@parlforum.org. Upon registration, prior to the event, Zoom link for the webinar will be distributed.
